Friday, August 17, 2012

We Need A New Service for English Speaking Expats in France

UP To NOW, members of the English speaking community in France looking for an on-line small ads service to buy, sell or advertise services and events, have been limited to advertising on small, local forums, often with a limited membership. If you're moving back or moving on, what can you do with a house full of stuff that can't move with you? Or, arriving in France on a
budget, how can you source furniture and household goods at a price you're happy to pay?

We need something to fill the gap. How about a classified ads website covering the whole of France where private advertisers could post their ads with up to ten photos, completely free of charge? What a great way to get rid of the things we want to sell or give away, and find what we're looking for.

And wouldn't it be a great shop window for people like crafters who want to display their handmade jewellery, cards, toys, patchwork and embroidery, etc? With the option of a PayPal button, it could even be an attractive alternative to auction sites with commission fees.

Obviously, it wouldn't seek to compete with the online forums like AngloInfo and French EntrĂ©e among many others, that many of us expats have joined, indeed, it would fulfil quite a different role. However, used in conjunction with postings on forums that don't support image uploads, private advertisers could direct enquiries to the website and save themselves the hassle of having to send out dozens of photos.  

A lot of Anglophone expats are not comfortable using French classified ad websites such as Le Bon Coin and, similarly, we prefer dealing with companies and trades people who speak English. It avoids all the confusion and misunderstandings that often arise through differences in practice as well as in language. With a site like this, businesses would have the opportunity to advertise specifically to an audience who sees the ability to speak English as an additional positive when making their buying choice.

And the expat community could use and grow the site in a variety of ways; how about advertisements for lost and found pets (and other possessions) with photographs; lifts and car-shares offered and wanted; seeking or offering accommodation; advertising clubs and events? With the social networking opportunities available via Facebook and Twitter, people could exchange and pass on all sorts of information.
I have just found  BritsBazaar which aims to link our widespread expat community that shares two essential characteristics (we all speak English and we all live in France) and bring together in one place all our ''for sales' and 'wanteds'.

Tell a friend - the more people who know, the better it will work.

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